I have two classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. One is in the morning at the CIEE study center, the other in the afternoon at the University. We were told that CIEE classes would be in session as it is a private school and wouldn't be participating in the strike. We were also told that more likely than not, University classes would not be held during the strike. Well, in class on Monday, our professor at the university (Joaquín, on whom I may have a crush....) told us that he would be there today, so if we wanted to come we would have class also. Well, of course Sofie and I went as we are in love with him. We were a little scared walking to class as we had heard there could be riots, people at the entrance to the University trying to stop us from entering, etc. Not to mentioning hearing gun shots or smoke bombs or some sort of noise erupting intermittently. (p.s., I spelled that word right. On the first try. Yes!)
But, we continued on our way as we didn't think we would actually be in any real danger. We got the University and were surprised that there wasn't a riot of picketers outside. We walked up to the main entrance (well, that word took two tries. so much for the earlier celebrating.) where two police officers were standing. They said, uh, where are you going, this entrance is closed. I said, we have class! He said, oh, it must be in the Filología department (which it is), so we had to walk around to another entrance. When we got there, we found our way to our classroom. The hall was completely dark and void of any other human being. So, we sat in the dark. With a few other brave CIEE students who showed up as well.
After waiting about 20 minutes (we got there early as we were allowing extra time for any trouble we may have encountered), in the dark, we decided we'd leave. On our way out, we ran into our professor. He apologized and said that he wanted to have class, but they wouldn't let him! So, we went home. Anyway, that's all the excitement that there was. So yay for no class today! Too bad it wasn't my Contemporary Spanish Novel class that was today....that one isn't nearly as interesting. Nor does it have nearly as cute a professor....
Tomorrow, we're heading to Portugal! We'll be there Friday-Sunday. Lisbon or bust!