So I didn't really take any pictures of the animals, just of Sierra. She was way cuter than the animals anyway! She wasn't as impressed with most of the animals as the rest of us were. I think her favorite parts were the Elephant Ears and snow cones and the petting zoo (where she wanted to ride the goats like a horsey...).
After the zoo (and a little nap for everyone), dad, mom and I went to see the Lion King!!! I was so excited to go and knew it was going to be great. But I didn't know it was going to be that amazing. It was incredible. The costumes, the songs, the music, the whole thing. It gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes! Beautiful! Here's a little taste (not a video I took-that wasn't allowed).
Oh my goodness. I just can't even describe it and that video doesn't do it justice! We were in the balcony seats on the very end, so we were just about as far away from the stage as you could be. But we could still see everything just fine and it was still thoroughly enjoyable! Soooo glad I got to go see it, and think everyone should go see it at some point! I realized that's the first actual Broadway type show I've ever been to. So maybe I just thought it was so amazing for that reason. No, I take that back, it was just flat out incredible! Anyway, it was a very enjoyable weekend! Lots of fun things :)
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