Monday, August 8, 2011


Our lovely outfits waiting for us in our room.

And our lovely room!

Morning prayer-4am

No shoes allowed in the temple/dining room!

Inside the temple for morning prayer


These guys take their breakfast seriously.

Gardening. Not by choice.

This symbol seems familiar for some reason....?

Beautiful hike with some monks.

And SWIMMING with the monks!

Tea meditation. Much better than regular meditation.

Sewing a handkerchief that we had previously dyed.
Please ignore how gross I look.

Some sort of ceremony. That turned into us being photographed
by visiting Korean women there to honor their ancestors.

Sometimes after a hard three days at a Buddhist temple,
you have to start drinking as soon as you get on the bus...

This is me ringing a bell. They let every single one of us come through and ring it. This is not normally something that foreigners do. They kind of doted on us hand and foot the whole time, I think they were super excited to have so many visitors. I think it must have been too loud because the sound cuts out when the bell actually gets hit. Also, what you think is feedback is probably the cicadas in the background. They are everywhere. And they are GIANT. And gross.


  1. Looks like quite an amazing experience! So was your favorite part the genie pants, or the 108 bows? Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.


  2. the above comment :) and the picture of you in the genie pants.....and ringing the bell appeared to make you super excited!! LOL. I bet your hanky was one of the best ones they've had in a long time. But I confess to a bit of 'frow up' when I saw the soup bowls....

  3. wonderful. the video is great <3 miss you.
