I worked out once. I am incapable of "sleeping in." I didn't read. At all. I did get caught up on my favorite TV shows on hulu though. That is basically all I did during this break. Watched a lot of hulu. And took a couple bubble baths. There are few things in life that a nice warm bubble bath won't cure.
Anyway, break is almost over and I didn't get much done in the way of wedding planning. Well, maybe it just doesn't seem like a lot because they are all little things. Yeah, we'll go with that. Not necessarily little things I guess. But the Megans in my life made them seem little!
My amazing roommate Megan has her degree in Graphic Design and she is quite talented. When she found out we were talking about getting married (before the actual proposal even!), she told me that she would be available to help out with invitations if I should so desire. I've seen some of the things she's done. So I was totally in! Again, we are working on a tight budget! So I have been having a hard time thinking of how this would work. But Megan immediately came up with all these amazing ideas. She and I spent last Friday afternoon shopping around and getting inspiration.
I had pinned some invitation ideas/styles that I liked before we went shopping. I love Pinterest. Best wedding-planning tool ever. What's that? You say it's not only for weddings? Well, that's what I am primarily using it for. Also what 99% of Pinners are primarily using it for, I think. Anyway, the things I had been looking at were pretty simple yet elegant. Rustic yet classy. Just like the wedding itself will (hopefully...) be. I really liked some invites that I saw that were printed on paper bag-colored paper. With some white printing and lacey details.
We started our search at the art store Blick downtown to look for some screen-printing materials. I'm telling you, this girl can do anything and she's not scared of anything! We looked at paper there but didn't really find anything fantastic. Next up was some tea, then Paper Source. This store is super fun to look in. They have all kinds of stationary, little notebooks, adorable little things all over. Oh yeah, and paper. We hid in the back and looked at their sample invitation books. And took some pictures of ideas we liked. Is that allowed? I'm not sure, but we did it anyway. The lady there was super helpful and told us all about the paper, the bulk discounts, etc. They have the paper bag-colored paper (called, what do you know? Paper Bag.) and you can get a discount if you buy it in bulk. Plus they have matching envelopes, etc.
I went into this search with a similar attitude that I went into dress shopping, not real hopeful. Megan has done this before and could picture things in her head. I know what I want, but don't know how to make it happen so just couldn't figure out if it was possible. But now I know it is! We came up with some great ideas, found a place where we can get the right kind of paper, and I can actually picture things now! Plus I signed up for their email newsletter at their website, and they sent me a 10% off coupon. So now I'm even more excited and hopeful!
After getting excited by my invitation inspiration shopping trip with roommate-Megan, cleaning my apartment because of all the motivation, doing some more gift registry (more to come on that later!) and visiting with Ben's brothers (one of whom (who?) has lived on the east coast for the past few years but is now being stationed in WA), we headed to Philomath for the weekend. Besides wanting to spend time with my family, one of the reasons to go to Philomath was that we needed some pictures of the two of use to use on a Save-the-date card. We have some pictures, but they aren't really what we want for a pre-invitation. So my wonderful sissy, the other Megan in this post, graciously agreed to take some pictures of us. She has a great camera and takes such beautiful pictures of my niece-y poo (and nephew!). So we showed up at their house on Sunday morning (while preventing them from a trip to Costco, so sorry sissy!!) ready to be photographed! Ben and I happened to have some color-coordinating outfits with us (maybe because I brought about ten options with me...), so we made ourselves pretty and sissy started shooting! She came up with some really cute poses for us, as did Ben. They have such a beautiful home and property, and the light was great for pictures (we just avoided the rain!). So a couple hours and 450+ photos later, we were done! We actually had a lot of fun, and ended up with some amazing photos! Now we just have to pick one.....We haven't actually seen them all yet, we are going to do that tonight. But here are some of our faves so far!
So here's to the Megans in my life! Sissy-Megan and Roommate-Megan! Love you girls! I am so grateful for your help, and for the help of everyone else who has volunteered to do things for our wedding. We are so, so blessed! :)