Monday, March 21, 2011

Excited. (?) UPDATED

So I applied for the Costa Rica program even though I really don't have the money for it. Mostly because my professor from Spain wrote a letter of recommendation for me (the second one he's done for me) and I didn't want to not apply after he'd done that. I'm not gonna lie, I was literally praying that I wouldn't get accepted into the program. I showed up for the interview but just didn't really try that hard. Must have tried harder than at least 10 other people though, cuz I got accepted.

Ughhhh what to do now? I have a couple more scholarships I can apply for, but wouldn't know if I got them or not until after the deadline to confirm my participation.

Aaaanyway. That's the scoop. I only have until April 8th to make my decision...!

UPDATE: So I just sent an email to the director of the program withdrawing myself as a participant. I did a lot of thinking and praying. And more thinking. And then more praying. I just feel like it would be an unwise financial decision. There are other Capstone programs available this summer that will be just as rewarding (almost...minus the travel) but will be like 10 times less. Plus, I can always just go to Costa Rica on vacation for cheap. Plane tickets are only like $600 round trip.......


  1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    and He shall direct your paths.

  2. Thanks Klaus! That's a much-needed reminder :)
