Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spain: 1. USA: 0.

There are some things that Spain does better than the USA. To prove my point, some evidence:

Greek yogurt, Spain-Style. Possibly the best thing I've ever eaten.

Greek yogurt, America-style. Nothing special at all.
(not that that stopped me from buying 8 of them since they were on sale...)

I fell in love with Dannon Greek Yogurt when I was in Spain. For the first couple months, my host mom would give it to me for dinner every night. So. GOOD. Then she eventually stopped and moved to (probably much cheaper) weird other kinds of yogurt. But I will never forget the Greek stuff. When I got back to the USA, I was sure I'd be able to find it here. Buuuut I couldn't...until now! I found it at Safeway today and was sooooo excited; not only did they have the Dannon stuff, it was on sale! AND there was a COUPON!! I bought a couple to try them out.

They are both made by Dannon. They are both simple Greek Yogurt. But there is no contest. Spain wins, hands-down. I don't know what it is about yogurt in Europe that is so amazing. I remember absolutely loving it in Italy and buying tubs and tubs of it. But this is a brand that is sold in the US! I figured they'd be the same. So, so disappointed.

The cows in Europe must be just so much better.

1 comment:

  1. The Fred Meyer on NW 21st and Burnside has a great selection of Greek yogurt in the organic and regular section. I think you'll find something to your liking.
