Tuesday, March 6, 2012


So I've had a bunch of ideas for colors, and kind of keep changing my mind because I can't find quite what I'm looking for. But basically we've settled on a coral-y pink color and turquoise. Here is some inspiration for those colors!

This wedding is basically exactly what I'm going for. The colors, the favors, the table decorations, centerpieces, etc. I want this exactly. Except with a little bit more color in the flowers, and add in some lace touches.


LOVE this boquet. LOVE the colors. Perfection.

Love the combination of the bright, vivid pinks with the muted, soft, vintage pinks and greens. With the blue Ball jars!

So, that's the plan so far! Now, to figure out what the bridesmaids should wear. I love the idea of coral dresses in different styles and shades for the girlies. But that might be a hard color to come by. It would also be fun to have them wear turquoise but have coral/pink bouquets and a pink dress for the little flower girl. So many choices!

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