Monday, September 20, 2010

tengo sueño

I've been lazy. I barely left the house yesterday. And today, I forgot about a meeting thing I was supposed to and slept through another one. And now its 7pm and the only thing I've done all day was go to class. And watch some TV and a movie online. The person who introduced me to should be punished. It's like Hulu, but maybe even better. Yikes.

Anyway, I have no interesting stories. I'm just bored so I decided to post something. I feel kind of weird sitting in my room by myself all day on the computer, while my señora sits in the living room by herself all day watching TV. Oh well. I'm pretty sure she already thinks I'm weird. And anti-social since I don't go out drinking every night.

Soooo, I need to get a gym membership so I can at least do something. If I will actually go. I will. I promise. Hold me to that. Tomorrow, I'll go join the gym and work out. Now that I've said I'm going to, if I don't do it, you all will know and I will be embarrassed that I didn't actually do what I said I would.

And, next week my regular classes start. So I'm going to be way busier. That's what I'm telling myself to make up for not doing anything this week. I'm taking advantage of the "down time."

Now off to finish watching a movie online...

1 comment:

  1. bahaha. i'm jealous. enjoy the slow-ness while you can!
