Monday, July 5, 2010

a day of independence

So I went to Falls City (it's okay if you have no idea where that is) to hang out with Kayla and Cody for the 4th. I had to work both Saturday and Sunday, so went down there Saturday after work and came back Sunday early-ish. So technically I was mostly there for the 3rd. But whatever. Them country folk sure do know how to put on a good fireworks show.

It was a pretty good show and we had a great spot to watch from! Sunday, we got up and went to breakfast, then went to see the kitties that a friend of theirs had. We got there and they didn't like us. They wanted to run away. But we were quicker and smarter than them. Well, than a few of them anyway.

this little guy ^ liked Kayla's boobs...he didn't move from that
position the entire time she was holding him.

They were hiding in amongst some stinging nettles apparently. So Kayla
got stung while trying to catch one. But she still caught it even though
she was squealing in pain the whole time!

The car broke down on our way to Cody's parent's he
and his brother had to come rescue us.

Anyway, it was a fun time! Then I came back, went to work, then went to Kevin and Helen's for a bit. They fed me dinner and then we drove around trying to find some fireworks. They found a place that they want to go next year! But there were too many people there for us to find an actual parking spot. We still got to see a little bit though (against poor Bella's wishes)...

All in all, a pretty great 4th of July! Congratulations on your independence, America!

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