Tuesday, July 6, 2010

life lessons

There are a few things that I have realized since working at the Kid's Club at the gym:

1.) There is nothing on the planet that is more fun to read than Dr. Seuss. Especially not if you're reading out loud. But even if you're reading to yourself. I may have to get some Dr. Seuss books to just occasionally read because its just so enjoyable! I was reading The Cat in the Hat to the kids the other day and was sad when they got bored because I wanted to keep reading it. I may have kept reading to myself while they went off and found something else to play with...even just these simple lines from the book are so great:

"The sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold, wet day."

"We looked! Then we saw him
step in on the mat!
We looked! And we saw him!
The Cat in the Hat!"

“Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me NOW!
It is fun to have fun
But you have
to know how.”

“'Have no fear, little fish,'
Said the Cat in the Hat.
'These Things are
good Things.'
And he gave them a pat."

2.) Winnie the Pooh is adorable and everyone should have a friend like Pooh Bear. And don't forget about the Tiggers and Piglets and the rest of the gang. The movie "Pooh's Grand Adventure" is so great! I don't remember ever watching it before I worked at the gym. So many good little nuggets of wisdom and cute sayings! Anyone who is willing to face Skullasauruses and Jagulars and Woozles to rescue you from "Skool" is the best friend that exists.

"Without a monster or two, it's hardly a quest; merely
a gaggle of friends wandering about"

"Adventure, it's a wonderful thing! Pack only the essentials,
I'll tell you what to bring: your strength,
your nerve, your hearts, your wits."

"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

3.) Disney movies are to blame for me still being single. You watch all these movies when you're a kid and then your little-girl brain gets filled with the idea that someday, the Fairy Prince is going to fly into your window and you are going to fall in love in one night, he is going to rescue you from some tragedy, then you will live happily ever after. Yeah, that doesn't happen. But after watching that so many times, or whatever version of that story, you expect it. (maybe minus the "Fairy" Prince part...I'll take just a regular prince, minus the wings and pixie dust.) I realized this today while watching Thumbelina. Maybe I should quit expecting to be carried off into the sunset on a white horse (or on a bumblebee)...or else I'll end up like Cruella Deville or someone. Not quite the Disney ending I've been hoping for...

ahhhh, the life lessons you learn from kid's stuff!

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